SMC KIDS LESSON CORNER | Jesus Heals a Leper


Jesus Heals a Leper

Getting left out isn’t a new thing at all. It was happening to people way back in Jesus’s day, and it’s what today’s lesson is all about.

In today’s lesson, we’re learning about when Jesus healed a leper. Now, don’t confuse words here. Jesus didn’t heal a leopard. He healed a leper. A leper was a person who was suffering from a terrible skin disease. It made big sores all over the body that were probably itchy and they were definitely gross to look at. So, if a person had leprosy, they were banned from town. They had to live off on their own because other people didn’t want to get the disease. Imagine how awful that would’ve been. You get a terrible disease, and instead of people taking care of you, everyone just ignores you. Well, Jesus didn’t respond that way. In fact, one day when Jesus was teaching, a leper approached him. The leper knew that Jesus could heal him so he took a chance by asking him for help. Now, the people with Jesus were probably running away from the guy but not Jesus. He looked right at the guy and said, “I’ll heal you.” And, guess what? The leper was healed instantly! Jesus is so cool. Kids, this story teaches us an important lesson. Jesus cares about everyone, even the people who feel left out or unimportant. Let’s remember that in our own lives and be kind to everyone, no matter who they are

Key Points:

Lepers had a disease that made them feel left out. Leviticus 13:45-46

One leper was desperate enough to walk up to Jesus. Matthew 8:1-2

Jesus was willing to touch the leper. Matthew 8:3

Jesus cares about everyone, especially people who feel left out.

Memory Verse:

Matthew 8:3 Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly leprosy disappeared.

Talk About It

What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

Share a time you felt left out. How did that make you feel?

What was leprosy? Why did lepers have to live outside of town?

What happened when the leper approached Jesus?

Read 1 Peter 3:8-9. What does this passage say about how we should be and what we should do?

How will you apply this lesson to your life this week’s?

How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?


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