SMC KIDS LESSON CORNER | Have you ever thought about how good you have to be to become a Christian?

Have you ever thought about how good you have to be to become a Christian? You know, how many rules you need to follow before God will accept you?

In today’s lesson, we’re learning about a conversation Jesus had with a guy named Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a Pharisee which means he was a smart Jewish guy who knew God’s law inside and out. He thought he knew everything he needed to know about God. He thought he was really good. But, Nicodemus heard that Jesus was teaching that we all have a sin problem that makes us not good people. So, he went to meet Jesus to ask him some questions. Jesus challenged Nicodemus by telling him that just knowing the law wouldn’t make him good enough for God. The only way to be good enough for God was by having a relationship with Jesus. Remember, Jesus is God, and he came to save us from our sin problem. So, it doesn’t matter how smart we think we are or how much we know about the Bible, if we haven’t trusted in Jesus, then our sins aren’t forgiven. This was an important lesson for Nicodemus to understand and it’s important for us, too. On our own, we can never be good enough for God. We need Jesus to forgive us and live in our hearts and help us to live for him.

Key Points:

Nicodemus was a Jewish religious leader. John 3:1

Nicodemus was curious about what Jesus was teaching. John 3:2

Jesus told Nicodemus how to become a Christian. John 3:3

The only way to become a Christian is by believing in Jesus. John 3:16

Memory Verse:

John 3:16 For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Talk About It

What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?

Make a list of all the good things you did this week. How about a list of some mistakes you made this week.

Who was Nicodemus? What did the Pharisees study a lot?

What did Jesus tell Nicodemus he needed to do to be saved?

Read Ephesians 2:8-9. What is God’s grace? Why can’t we boast about our good deeds?

How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?


SMC KIDS LESSON CORNER | Following Jesus Is Not a Chore


SMC KIDS LESSON CORNER | Jesus Heals a Leper