The Holy Who? – Part III (The Gifts)


This morning, I want us to dive further into the person of the Holy Spirit and look at what are called “spiritual gifts” manifested through the Holy Spirit.  (1 Corinthians 12:1 – 11). The purpose of a spiritual gift is to glorify Jesus and to help people!  That’s what the Holy Spirit working through us does.

 In Acts 2 we read that the Holy Spirit “filled” the disciples on the day of Pentecost.  The manifestations that day through the disciples glorified God in the languages of all the people gathered from many different countries.  As the disciples spoke under the power of the Holy Spirit, people opened their hearts to God, and Peter shared the Good News of Jesus Christ. Over 3000 people accepted Jesus Christ. 

 I want us to look at three of these spiritual gifts.

            -Wisdom: The Holy Spirit at work through us to help us hear and to speak wise counsel. 

            - Knowledge: The Holy Spirit at work through us to know what is true.  John 16:13 “But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.”  John 4:16 – 18 (example: The Samaritan Woman)

            - Faith: The Holy Spirit at work through us to be full of faith in any situation.  Hebrews 11:1. Our faith rests on settled issues: “I’m sure” and “I’m certain.”

                 There are four levels of faith: no faith; little faith; great faith (Luke 7); full of faith.

            -Brady Boyd says, “The measure of our faith isn’t seen by the number of prayers we get answered but by the amount of our life we are willing to surrender.”  One prays differently when one is surrendered.  Faith is the absolute assurance of God.  Faith in the New Testament is always used to talk about faith in God, not just faith for an outcome.  


The Holy Who Part IV


The Holy Who? – Part II - Submission (the dreaded word)