The Holy Who? (Bonus Episode)- Welcome to the Stage

Sin is a grave that haunts us long before we ever get to the cemetery did you hear me! Sin? Sin is a grave that haunts us long before we ever get to the cemetery now here's the good news. Jesus is the resurrection in life. He has come. To give us resurrected life and he came out of the grave did you hear me?
Jesus came out of the grave he showed us that he was all-powerful and then he said, you know, he said I'm gonna have to go away and they were I'm sure they were sad. I mean they've been walking with him and talking with him and even though he told them this is all gonna happen they didn't even hardly believe it when it did happen. But do you worry don’t you fear because God will send a comforter!

—Evangelist Kay Osban


Freedom – Independence Day


The Holy Who Part IV